Join us!
The Alabaster Project is a tool to help the development of the Church. There are many ways you can help. Whether you are the pastor of a local church or someone good with technology, you can find an area where you can be a blessing in the lives of others.
Ministry groups
Our goal is to bring the presence and the word of God into every home through online platforms! We believe that during live worship we can experience the awesome presence of God, and in the Zoom rooms we can build each other up through faith.
The Alabaster Project is a tool to help and support the development of the Church. It is a tool we can use to tell non-Christians that God can still talk to us today.

AP Worship GroupA ministry team established for God
The Alabaster Worship Team is a team of ministers coming from seven different congregations, wich all have different cultures and personalities. Yet the only thing that unites them is their hearts, beating in unison for the one living God. Their aim is to be friends first and foremost in their daily lives, and in their ministry, to let Jesus alone stand out and be in His presence as lives are changed.
Pastoral teamMany pastors, from many denominations and congregations
It is a great blessing that more and more pastors are joining the ministry of the Alabaster Project and serve in the Zoom rooms week after week. Registrants will have the opportunity to enter a pastoral room, where only pastors are present. Here, as in the other Zoom rooms, you are encouraged with prayer and prophetic messages, but if you need further guidance or want to join a community, they can help you with that too.

Training groupA world-class 21st century prophetic training
The aim of the working group is to put together a package that includes everything needed to start and run a prophetic training course. Three main areas were examined. A curriculum that focuses on knowledge, personalisation and different levels. Measurement, which is about evaluation and feedback. Communication, to ensure that all relevant information reaches the right groups at the right time.
ExpansiveThe mission to expand, grow and work
The primary aim of the working group is to create an atmosphere of creativity where we can plan with confidence for the development, evolution, effectiveness and operation of our mission. We believe it is important for the Alabaster Project to utilize the widest possible spectrum of methods to reach people. The group’s task is to explore these and dare to dream big, which they can then turn into reality.

Alabaster juniorYoung generation with passion and fire for God
It has a special power when the young generation acts together and does something for the Kingdom of God with one heart. We would like to see young people, like arrows fired, hit the target and perform the task they have been given. We believe it is our responsibility to help and encourage them to live their daily lives with passion and fire for God, and to grow up to be responsible in spirit.
Zoom Room ServersMany ministry members, from many places, but with a single purpose
One of the most unique feature of the Alabaster Project is that the hundreds of ministry members who serve in many areas week after week come from different communities, congregations and cultures. The only thing that binds them together is their heart, which moves with God. From all over the country, they are sitting in front of their screens week after week to encourage you with the message that God is putting in their hearts.

MediaMay the love of God reach every corner of the world
Our ministry operates in the online space, which has a number of advantages and disadvantages, as we often face technical problems. The media is our main tool to bring the love of God and the gracious presence of the Holy Spirit into people’s homes. Our aim is to provide a ‘quality experience’ that is easily absorbed by the viewer and thus to bring about real change in the intimate atmosphere of the viewers’ home.
We are committed to
supportinglocal pastors
The Alabaster Project is a tool to build the Church by helping congregations grow and develop. Our goal is not only helping people come to know Jesus and hear His word, we also want to help those who are already believers. We want to support local pastors by, on the one hand, integrating new converts into the congregations around them. On the other hand, we would like all the knowledge and experience that believers have gained from our ministry to be used and shared in their congregations. In our mission, there is the opportunity to learn about and develop in prophetic ministry, as well as learning about the technical aspects of ministry in the online space. We encourage you to contact us if you are a pastor and would like to join us with your congregation.