Welcome to the Praying Nation Programme's page!

There are many committed believers in the Hungarian nation who pray tirelessly. There are several prayer groups in the country and several prayer chains organised by the denominations, all of which perform very powerful ministries. The mission of Praying Nation is not to create a competition, not to start a new program, but to organize, develop and serve existing individuals, prayer groups and prayer chains into a strong prayer network.

Our goal is to have 3 people in each of the 3155 Hungarian communities who are committed to pray every Monday for goals sent to them previously, focusing on Hungarian matters. We don’t pray for political interests, but we organise these weekly intercessions for all the circumstances that affect our society. An integral part of the vision is that each participant prays for the current theme on the first day of the week!

What are the requirements to be an active member of the prayer network? You must believe and confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior! (1 Cor 12:3). Live with a good conscience (1 Peter 3:16) and undertake this prayer for your fellow man (1 Tim 2:1)! You should be understanding and loving towards everyone (1 Peter 4:8).

How can you sign up? It’s simple. After you have brought it into your prayers and the Holy Spirit has approved your intention, and you have committed yourself to do this ministry, go to the registration link at the bottom of this page. When you open it, you will see that the first thing you need to enter is the postal code of your municipality. The registration interface allows three people to be assigned to each postal code. If you enter the postal code of your residence and it indicates that there is a vacancy, you will be asked to enter your name and email address, and you will be subscribed to the prayer network. If you receive a reply that this postal code already has all three members, and you are unable to apply, then unfortunately you are not able to join the Praying Nation programme at this time. We say for the time being because we are already planning the expansion and we will let you know when it is ready. Please make sure to enter your email address accurately!

During the year there are opportunities to cancel your service. This opens up the opportunity for others to join, so it’s worth to keep checking in throughout the year to see if there are any vacancies!

You will receive a confirmation email when you join! We’ll let you know when our weekly prayer call actually starts.

We are planning to organize the 1st Praying Nation camp between the 7th and 10th August 2024, where all teaching sessions will focus on prayer, and we will also spend a lot of time praying together. We explore what forms of prayer we can see in the Bible and what not to do in prayer. You can register for the camp at www.dics-suli.hu within the framework of Prophet School.

We invite and encourage you to join us in this effort to build bridges. Let us fall prostrate before our God – in repentance, if necessary –, but always with gratitude and joy, acknowledging that we need nothing else in life, in fact only one thing: always choose the good portion! (Luke 10:42)

Postal code checkerCheck if you can register for your postal code!