Frequently Asked QuestionsFind answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Follow us every Wednesday evening from 20:00, where we’ll make the link available during our live Facebook broadcast.

You can also start the live broadcast from the website. Click on “Live” burron and then on the red “Live Broadcast” button.

To help you, we’ve created a page where you can find all the technical steps from starting the session. Follow this link: We’ll help!

We are constantly working on to having more and more open, shared opportunities. However, in many cases, the number of opportunities we offer online is limited. The main reason for this is that in many cases we are reporting live from venues where there is not enough space to accommodate guests, apart from the speakers, the technical equipment and a crew of around 10-15 people.

But if you’re a congregation leader and you’re curious about how we produce our live broadcasts, what goes on behind the scenes, contact us using one of the options listed in the “Contact us” section and we’ll be happy to meet you next time.

The entire ministry team consists of volunteers who work with us in addition to their daily vocation to experience God’s presence in a fantastic way every Wednesday. A back-up team of nearly 250 people joined the Alabaster Project with the vision to seek answers and provide answers through God’s work. You can meet ordinary people who are committed to God without focusing too much on respective their denominations, both online and live.

You are welcome to join us if you would like to get involved. Please contact us either by phone or in writing and our mentors will help you find your way around the everyday life of the Alabaster Project.