There is a team

The management team is made up of three people who are all great team players not only in the service, but also in everyday matters. Their friendship and solidarity is exemplary and blessed by God. They are very different, yet they complement each other perfectly.

Attila Hámori

He is a leader of the Alabaster Projekt and a founder of the National Prophetic Movement as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hungarian Free Christian Church.

Zsolt Szilágyi

He is the pastor of the Debrecen Free Christian Congregation, a leader of the Alabaster Projekt and a founder of the National Prophetic Movement.

Attila Mikes

A leader of the Alabaster Projekt and a founder of the National Prophetic Movement as well as the Vice President of the Agapé network.

People from more than 40 countries already registered for online sessions.
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More than 400 people have completed the basic training.
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Since our establishment, we have broadcasted live worships from 89 locations.
We currently have 59 evangelical churches serving among us.

What we see and turn into a reality

Our ministry aims to make an atmosphere of praise and worship available to all people in an intimate environment (in their homes), through the online space. Also, we want participants to experience the work and message of the Holy Spirit through the Zoom interface. We want to build the Kingdom of God by acting and serving in unity across denominations.

Where you can meet us

The NPM not only trains prophets – because God decides whether someone is a prophet or not – but also trains prophesyzing. So prophesying is given for everyone …

… we want to learn from the Lord and from each other, to train new generations of worship ministry members to do our part in this heavenly plan.

The Hour of Decision is an evangelistic organisation whose founder, having said yes to God’s call, has made it his life’s mission to preach the gospel in Hungary.

A youth fellowship where teens from all denominations (and those who don’t belong to any) come together for concerts, worship and participate in the main event, the summer camp.

Its aim is to provide single brothers and sisters with an authentic, Bible-based community to recharge and get ready for choosing a partner to get married with.

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