2023-01-31 22:42:04


Although I had a tiring day, I could hardly sleep

“I felt totally unfit for the ministry, but somehow I knew it would be good. I also trusted my mentor, who was super encouraging.

From the second person on, all the tension was gone and I just enjoyed the images coming in. They came more clearly and I understood them more than ever before. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit! He has always believed that the purpose of prophecy is to edify, encourage and console. It is so fantastic how the Father cares, loves and heals people. I felt a great joy all the way through, so much so that even though I had a tiring day, I could hardly sleep.”


This is

my story...

I felt totally unfit for service, but somehow I had it in me that it would be good. I also trusted my mentor, who was super encouraging.
At the beginning I was nagged that I had to pass on a message, but I had no clue what it was about. Then it dawned on me, what was repeatedly said in the training, to turn to the other person with love, that's the main thing.
I am glad I had the opportunity to try this service. We were able to work in unity and coordination with my colleagues. It was wonderful to experience how God goes after people and gives them personalized, meticulous messages and lifts them up.
I was nervous at the beginning, but I shouldn't have been, because our mentor and the Holy Spirit helped us in everything. The messages became one, complementing each other, with the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. Each and every feedback was a joy, it was good to see that the initial tensions and worries were rolled off the shoulders of the registrants.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to serve. For myself, I don't know when I would have signed up, but I am so glad that I was "thrown in the deep end" and the Lord was there in every situation to teach me to walk on water. It was a fantastic experience.
Again and again, I find that I have a very big thankfulness in my heart for being part of these. Perhaps it's a good illustration of this that as I tried to put together what to write, I kept smiling and feeling filled with joy.