If you are looking for answers

Live stream at 20:00
every Wednesday evening

What is the Alabaster Project?

People from more than 40 countries already registered for online sessions.
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More than 400 people have completed the basic training.
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Since our establishment, we have broadcasted live worships from 89 locations.
We currently have 59 evangelical churches serving among us.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring the presence and the Word of God into every home through online platforms! We believe that during live worship we can experience the awesome presence of God, and in the Zoom rooms we can build each other up through faith.

The Alabaster Project is a tool to help and support the development of the Church. It is a tool we can use to tell non-Christians that God can still speak to us today.

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The makeup of theAlabaster Project

1. Worship and prayer sessions

We are constantly looking for new venues to share the power of prayer and worship with as many communities as possible, without denominational barriers. Whether it’s a church, a congregation building, a campfire or even an office, we prepare every Wednesday with great enthusiasm to go live from 8pm and experience God’s love.

Do you know a special venue? Would you like to welcome the Alabaster Project to your congregation? Contact us and let’s talk in person! We are open to your ideas.

2. Volunteers

We work with more than 250 volunteers from Hungary and across the border because we believe in the power of teamwork. More and more people are joining our online sessions every week, so we’re also growing our ministry team so that we can join you in Zoom logins to seek God’s answer for your life.

Would you like to volunteer? Or do you just want to hear about what volunteers do? Take a look around to see what we have to offer and feel free to apply too!

3. Live stream

Every Wednesday evening from 20:00, we gather with great enthusiasm to meet with those who need the living Word of God, without denominational boundaries. Worshippers, prophets, technicians and a crew of 10-15 people are working to meet you in the online space.

Would you like to join us online or in person? Check out our calendar to see where we’ll be next, and join us, wherever you are!

4. Personal ministry in Zoom rooms

In addition to worship and prayer, we want to make the space personal through online broadcasting. Join us through a Zoom room where you can chat with our volunteers. We believe that a prophetic revelation in a personal conversation can change your life.

If you want to join, sign up for our reminders and we’ll send you a notification before each session. You have no obligation, we want to give you the love that we have received from God.

5. Vision

Our aim is to take God’s message as far as possible online as, in Hungary and beyond our borders. We work tirelessly week in and week out to build a ministry team of 1,000 passionate people who we want to help and mentor so that they can grow in their roles fulfilled in their own communities, too.

Would you like to join our ministry team? As a pastor, are you wondering how we can support the everyday activities in your congregation? Read on and let’s talk about your questions in person!

How can you jointhe Wednesday night sessions?

Join the live session online

Follow us on our social channels and subscribe to our event reminders so you don’t miss a single event. Every Wednesday evening at 20:00 we’ll be live where we want to worship, pray and seek God’s current message with you.


Our aim is to reach as many places as possible with the prophetic word from God. We believe that this will make a real difference to people’s hearts and lives, which will then have an impact on those around them.

Budapest Szigetszentmiklós Pécel Őrbottyán Vácduka - Győr Debrecen Miskolc Eger Egerszólát Bódvaszilas Nagybörzsöny Abony Szolnok Békéscsaba Kecskemét Orgovány Szeged Fadd-Dombori Tengelic Kölesd- Alsóhídvég Kaposvár Székesfehérvár Pécs

These are the cities visited by the Alabástrom Projekt

If you would like to host an online broadcast, please contact us.

Alabaster by region

Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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Head of Region: YX
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This ismy story

Online communityPhotos from the Alabaster Project

Follow us on our social channels!

Frequently Asked QuestionsFind answers to the most frequently asked questions

Follow us every Wednesday evening from 20:00. We’ll make the link available during our live Facebook broadcast.

You can also join the live broadcast from the website. Click on the “Live” button and then on the red “Live Broadcast” button.

To help you, we’ve created a page where you can find all the technical steps you need to join the session. Follow this link: We’ll help!
We are constantly working on to having more and more open sessions. However, in many cases, the number of people who can participate in person is limited. The main reason for this is that in many cases we are reporting live from venues where there is not enough space to accommodate guests, apart from the speakers, the technical equipment and a crew of around 10-15 people.

But if you’re a congregation leader and you’re curious about how we produce our live broadcasts and what goes on behind the scenes, contact us using one of the options listed in the “Contact Us” section and we’ll be happy to meet you next time.

The entire ministry team consists of volunteers who work with us in addition to their jobs to experience God’s presence in a fantastic way every Wednesday. A back-up team of nearly 250 people joined the Alabaster Project with the vision to seek answers and provide answers through God’s work. You can meet ordinary people who are committed to God without focusing too much on their respective denominations, both online and live.

You are welcome to join us if you would like to get involved. Please contact us either by phone or in writing and our mentors will help you find your way around the everyday life of the Alabaster Project.