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Our aim is to reach as many places as possible with the prophetic word from God. We believe that this will make a real difference to people’s hearts and lives, which will then have an impact on those around them.

Budapest Szigetszentmiklós Pécel Őrbottyán Vácduka - Győr Debrecen Miskolc Eger Egerszólát Bódvaszilas Nagybörzsöny Abony Szolnok Békéscsaba Kecskemét Orgovány Szeged Fadd-Dombori Tengelic Kölesd- Alsóhídvég Kaposvár Székesfehérvár Pécs

These are the cities visited by the Alabástrom Projekt

If you would like to host an online broadcast, please contact us.

Alabástrom by region

Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.


Head of Region: example Istán
Lorem ipsum dolor amet.
